Oak Tree Books

Mathilda's Legacy

Robin of Sherwood

By Jennifer Ash

ISBN: 9780722355510

David, Earl of Huntingdon, sighed quietly as he watched his teenage son slip out of the woods that surrounded Huntingdon castle. That particular sport, where Robert had emerged, was special.

David, Earl of Huntingdon, sighed quietly as he watched his teenage son slip out of the woods that surrounded Huntingdon castle. That particular sport, where Robert had emerged, was special. That had been where Mathilda had taken her son for long forest walks, where she’d told him stories, and played games.
Sadly, when Robert was eight years old, the stories had ended.

David realised, as each day passed, why his offspring behaved in the way he did. After all, Robert of Huntingdon was Mathilda’s son. He was her legacy.
The moment couldn’t be put off any longer. It was time to tell his son the story of how the Earl had met Robert’s mother…

This story is set pre-Series One, before ‘Robin Hood and the Sorcerer’.

Jennifer Ash

With a background in history and archaeology, Jennifer Ash should really be sitting in a dusty university library translating Medieval Latin criminal records, and writing research documents that hardly anyone would want to read. Instead, tucked away in the South West of England, Jennifer writes stories of medieval crime, steeped in mystery, with a side order of romance.

Influenced by a lifelong love of Robin Hood and medieval ballad literature, Jennifer has written “The Outlaw’s Ransom” – a mini novel which first saw the light of day within the novel “Romancing Robin Hood” (written under the name, Jenny Kane) Its sequels “The Winter Outlaw”, “Edward’s Outlaw” and “Outlaw Justice,” continue the medieval murder mystery series.

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